Sunday, February 12, 2017

The truth about mommy-hood

Being a mom is my greatest accomplishment.
Being a mom has changed my life.
Being a mom is so great. Our baby is so easy....

Heard these lines before? Ya, me too!

Don't get me wrong, becoming a mother has changed my life and our Zoe Alexis Combes is a great baby. But in the last 90 days of her existence she has threw up in my mouth, farted in my face, woke me up at 3am to poop that has soaked through her diaper, clothes and onto me and I'm not gonna lie, there was one night that I had to walk away while she hysterically cried while I sat alone in the dark in the living room eating a snickers bar at 2am. These are all the realities of becoming a parent.

Just as my love for Jeremy grew, my love for my daughter has grown in the exact same way. It's no secret {to anyone that was around me during my 9 agonizing months of pregnancy} that I HATED being pregnant. Shockingly enough, I LOVED labor...once  I got the epidural.

P.S. to all you mommies that did labor the natural way, I bow down to you as I could NOT.

And when our baby girl made her appearance into the world at 8:33am on November 14th, 2016 I was in shock. A good shock...but shock. Of course I cried as I was overwhelmed with so many emotions. This "thing" that had been kicking me from the inside, had hiccups every night and gave me the worst bout of carpal tunnel EVER for 9 months was finally here. I knew I loved her when I saw her, but what the love meant, I didn't know yet.

Fast forward to today, February 12, 2017- I now know what the love I have for this little girl means. I know what I would do for her and that is EVERYTHING & ANYTHING. Being up every 2-4 hours in the night, being unable to just get-up-and-go whenever we want before planning for a babysitter, buying the diapers and wipes instead of the new boots. All of this is our new reality and it truly is worth it all. 

I can't say yet that becoming a mom is my greatest accomplishment. Because let's be honest- ANYONE can try and become a mom. What I hope my greatest accomplishment will be in a few years is that my daughter will be a strong, smart and kind human being. That she will have patience for others and herself. That she will only see others as people and not based on race, religion or sexual preference. I hope she will be all the best parts of Jeremy and I and will help to make this world a better place. This I hope will be my greatest accomplishment.

We love you Zoe Alexis. You are only 3 months old, but you are already stubborn, smart, strong and quite the funny little girl. 

"As for me and my daughter, I will raise her to think she breathes fire"

-Blue June

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Jesse + Amanda 8.20.2016

Last Saturday I was given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to capture the wedding day of two sweet high school friends. In so many ways, this was the hardest wedding I've ever shot...and here is why:

1. The bride was so radiant on her wedding day that it was like shooting the sun. Her glow was BRIGHT!
2. The speeches...from the vows to the sweet words that friends and family spoke of the couple made it IMPOSSIBLE for me to hold back my tears while I was shooting
And 3. When you are staring true love in the face and given the job of capturing it as perfectly in still shots as it is in real live, well....that's pretty scary!

Usually a bride and groom only get a few sneak peeks to hold them over for the 8-10 weeks they have to wait for their entire wedding photo package. However, when you are in love with almost every can't help but get overly excited in your editing! Below are all of my favorite moments that myself and my second shooter captured.

Jesse & Amanda,
Your wedding blew me away, your love blows me away...and your unconditional love still brings me to tears. Enjoy your gigantic sneak peek! 



Yes- They had a "unity sandwich" at their wedding. How cool are they!?

"Sometimes, someone comes into your life so unexpectedly, takes your heart by surprise, and changes your life forever"

{The Patterson's}

Makeup by: Maggie Johanson
Venue: The Cattle Barn of Cle Elum, WA
Floral by: Sarah Willis Harrington

Sunday, April 17, 2016

{Chaleah + Tony}
Shampine. Baby. Bumps.

It's so refreshing to be inspired again to write
Tony & Chaleah were absolutely delightful to work with and made my job so easy.
I can only hope that as I will look as radiant and as gorgeous as Ms. Chaleah in my pregnancy

Happy Sunday~

Blue June